I have no political slogans for you - just a plan to help serve the city i love.
If all humans were moral and virtuous, there would be little need for government. This explains why the core functions of government are all derived from the aspect of safety. We live in a diverse society that entrusts the institutions within government to apply the rule of law under a fair and objective legal system. For these reasons, our city’s top priorities must start with safety and a responsible stewardship of taxpayer dollars to ensure our city’s infrastructure and vital services are kept maintained for the health and stability of our future.
Our private sector plays a mutual role with our government to help maintain a safer city. Most problems and conflicts throughout human history are a result of poor economic conditions. When basic needs are met, the majority of individuals will live in harmony with one another. Basic needs are acquired through purchases and the fact is that most citizens are not job creators, they are job seekers. If we can ease our local (arbitrary) regulations that make it difficult to build our economy, we will bring more opportunities to our citizens and we can make jobs more profitable than crime!
In order to bring more job opportunities to our citizens, Peoria must be known as the best city to do business in Illinois. When new and existing businesses invest in Peoria, not only will they create job opportunities for the whole community to better their lives, they will also increase the amount of goods and services available for all of us to enjoy.
If we can create a thriving and dynamic economy right here at home, we can also increase our tax base by attracting people to relocate to our beautiful city. Population growth would also ease the heavy tax burden we share as a community!
It is imperative to understand that we as a society will never agree on everything. It is also important to realize that private citizens and organizations can solve problems more effectively and efficiently than the government. This is because private citizens will always understand their problems better than any overarching entity can.
The best way to help Peoria succeed as a city is to be tolerant and try to help one another. Let’s raise the level of camaraderie and understanding within this city. Please help me in promoting the idea of sound parenting and community involvement to help the youth of this city. Our school system is improving but we must understand that young minds don’t just get guidance and education from institutions, but from their surrounding environment as well.
Peoria is a small town and we can move our city forward by tackling issues together. I am a positive leader that wants to help cultivate this attitude for our great city!